Extraordinary Tarot, The Game

Photo of a Possible Destinies spread from Renegade Brooklyn, behind my Tarot table, December 22nd, 2018 @ Brooklyn Expo Center.
I enjoy using Tarot as a party trick and when people say, "oh, wow, that really resonates with me, how did you know that I needed to hear that?" I get so excited.
But Tarot has so much more to offer than just that initial positive response. Anyone who loves Tarot or psychic entertainment knows that it's much more than that -- it can be a means of introspection, a call to find what resonates with us and why.
There are so many psychics and Tarot readers out there, all of who have their own philosophies about life and how to live it along with varying degrees of beliefs in mysticism and predicting the future and of course I have my own.
This summer, when I quit my office job to focus on summer Tarot events, I began further developing my intuition and how I could open up more to any insights that would help me navigate my life and become a better reader for others.
A couple months after beginning my journey I started to have weird dreams that were about my past, but not of the past. I started to realize deep-seated trauma. And suddenly, on a spiritual retreat in the Pennsylvania's Poconos, I had a full body remembrance so fierce that I instantly knew what was leading me to question my reality.
In order to come into my own power as an intuitive, I needed to confront my trauma, and now since I have, I am a much clearer channel for readings.
Intuition is a practical skill and it takes time and discipline to hone. When I actually started playing with cards is unknown to me, but I was reading playing cards for kids on my school bus before I had any idea what Cartomancy was!
For the first couple years of owning a Tarot deck (around age 11 or 12), it was all mine. Sometimes I read cards for my mom with fascination and a little fear. When you don't understand what all the cards mean, they can be a little terrifying, so I read the little white book that comes with the cards and memorized them, but even earlier on I realized that memorizing the cards did not make you a great Tarot reader.
As a reader, you start to learn how each card can mean several different things depending on the person you are reading, and that's where the intuition comes in. As a preteen, I was thrilled to guess what might be going on beneath the surface level, or to guess what might happen, practicing what I would later realize was divination.
As far as Tarot predicting the future is concerned, there are some things we just can't intuit because our circumstances change from day to day. That is to say, our future is constantly influx.
Our lives seldom turn out the way that we thought them to be, despite our deliberation. We can get caught up in trying to figure out a reason for that, or we can play with the circumstances that we can control, and make life into somewhat of a game.
In my sessions we work on
developing unique story lines -- including super powers, temperament, belief systems and backstory.
creating tool kits to strengthen resilience, motivate us in moments of self-doubt and bend circumstances that seem outside of our control.
identifying a support network of friends, family, colleagues and groups who can assist us on our unique paths.
securing victory points, and acknowledging moments of accomplishments both big and small.
setting goals and sticking to them in order to become more conscious and active participants in shaping dreams into reality.
watching how our lives change when we operate from a fun but deliberate place.
strategically roleplaying different scenarios and possible destinies to determine action plans, puzzles and motives for the weeks ahead.
2018 has been my most magical year yet and I'm so excited to be bringing the magic to my Tarot practice.
This game has taken me places that I never believed possible.
I love helping people get in touch with their truths, fight demons, uncover authenticity and form thought provoking lives.
If you are interested in going deep this year, facing your fears and living your very best life -- awesome, me too.